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O'Hare Infrastructure Strategies LLC


Passionate about transportation and infrastructure policy, Kerry O'Hare arrived in Washington, DC over 30 years ago and took the plunge into the world of policy and government.  Over the years her experience has spanned both sides of Capitol Hill, state government, a federal agency and the transportation stakeholder community. 

Additionally, she has worked with several local chambers of commerce and state/local construction contractor associations around America helping to amplify their messages about the need for a long-term infrastructure strategy and a sustainable solution for the nation's Highway Trust Fund.

A trusted voice in the Washington policy arena, Ms. O'Hare brings substance, sound judgment and the highest level of integrity to all of her projects and activities.  

When a client works with O'Hare Infrastructure Strategies they will be working directly with Ms. O'Hare and not a junior level staffer.  As each project comes with its own objectives and challenges, Ms. O'Hare will work with each client to craft a personalized strategy to maximize success.  The firm prides itself on reliably delivering top quality service and completing projects that will achieve the intended goals of each client.  




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